1306 Main St. STE 103

Ramona, CA 92065

Office: 760-789-1311


Business Hours

Mon - Thu 9am - 3pm
Fri 9am - 12pm (after by appointment only)

Information for the Visually Impaired

Ramona Chamber of Commerce has taken every stride possible to make our website accessible and easy to use for the visually impaired. Please follow the instructions below to make it easy for visually impaired people to utilize our website. 

How to Magnify Your PC Computer Screen

On your keyboard hold down the Windows icon while clicking on the + or – symbol to magnify or back out of screen magnification. To stop magnification click on the ESC key.

Windows Icon for Screen Magnification

How to Magnify Your MAC Computer Screen

To zoom in press and hold Option, Command, and Equals sign together.

To zoom out press and hold Option, Command, and Minus sign together.

Google Screen Reader

In addition to the screen magnification as explained above, Google has a chrome plugin called SCREEN READER. Click on the Button Below to get the Screen Reader for Google Chrome.